Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Completed, Repair "While" Throughout Merapi evacuation path 50 Km

Government of Magelang District has completed repairs " temporary " evacuation route of Mount Merapi . Improvements such as efforts to facilitate public access if at any time of the eruption of Merapi .

Sutarno , the Public Works Department of Energy and Mineral Resources ( DPUESDM ) mentions Magelang District , at least 14 evacuation route segments that have been repaired . Pathway as well as a citizen 's access to economic scattered District Srumbung , Shaman and Sawangan .

" Repairing the wear embroideries and pengurugan Tabal system using sand and stone ( gravel ) . The evacuation route point improvement priorities include path - Talun Muntilan ( Shaman District ) , Talun - Tlatar , Mangunsuko - Krinjing , Tegalsari - Srumbung , and Salam - Kaligesik , "said Sutarno , in Magelang , Wednesday ( 21/05/2014 ) .
( Read: harga burung pentet )

Sutarno explained , along 50 kilometers of track repairs will require funding of about USD 200 million were taken from routine road maintenance budget of Revenue and Expenditure ( budget ) 2014 Magelang regency .

" Improvements have been completed about two weeks ago . While the permanent repairs will be carried out in early June through the auction process , "added Sutarno .

The permanent repair will be done in Muntilan path to Talun ( Kecamatn Shaman ) . Approximately 400 feet of track will probably volcanic concreted , the path will be paved next to Talun .

The cost is going to use the funds derived from the proposed Special Allocation Fund ( DAK ) of Rp2 , 2 billion budget in 2014 and Rp2, 5 billion .

With the evacuation route has been repaired , he expects people to care for and maintain it . Therefore , these pathways is important in addition to the Merapi eruption evacuation route as well as access to economic , educational and social community on the slopes of active volcanoes in Indonesia.

Selanjtunya , to prevent trucks carrying excavated material C ( sand and stone ) evacuation paths crossed , the DPUESDM has installed portal and prohibition signs flashed .


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