Monday, May 12, 2014

Not Selected Again, Chairman of Parliament Kendal Back Selling Bus Tickets

Chairman of Parliament Kendal , Anik Kasiyani , will re- sell the tickets for the bus , having no longer a board member . Therefore , selling bus tickets is original work , before becoming a representative of the people . Anik claimed , do not feel embarrassed by his efforts .

" Why be embarrassed ? Selling bus tickets , is my job , before becoming a board member , " said Anik , who lives in Kendal Sukorejo , Tuesday ( 13/5 ) .
( Read: ciblek gacor )

According to Anik , despite being a member of the board , selling bus tickets Sukorejo Kendal - Jakarta , is still done , especially on holidays . Therefore , sell it in front of his house , which is around the plaza Sukorejo .

" At home , I go to the bus agent . Although I was so representative of the people , when the opportunity to go home and not in the home office , yes , I am still selling tickets , "he admits .

Anik states remain legowo , despite losing in Pileg 9 April yesterday . For that , he would introspect themselves .

Kasiyani Anik , who now serves as chairman of Parliament Kendal , has been ascertained no longer served as a member of the board of the period 2014-2019 , after the Election Commission held a plenary meeting of Kendal , the determination of candidates who will sit in the seat parliament from 2014 to 2019 .

Female politicians from the Golkar Party in the option area 4 , which includes the districts Patean , Sukorejo , Pageruiyung and Plantungan this , on 9 April Pileg yesterday only received 2,331 votes.


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